Loan Quotation Form

If you are receiving monthly payments after having sold a house and would prefer a lump sum of cash, please fill out the following form. Then press the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. The information will be forwarded to us for analysis. Will call you back to discuss any un-answered particulars and then make you an offer on your note.

If your note is NOT secured by real estate, please do not use this form!    Your request will not be considered.

Tell us about your note!
Current Status of Note:
Please select!
Payments are Current
Payments are Delinquent
Don't Know
Lien Position:
Please select!
1st Position
2nd Position
3rd Position
Type of Property Securing Note:
Please select!
Single-family Residence (SFR)
Vacant Land
Mobile Home
Use of Property:
Please select!
Long-term Lease
Sale Amount of Real Estate ($):
Cash Down Payment ($):
Sale Date of Real Estate:
Current Value of Real Estate ($):
Note Terms & Conditions:
Face Value of Note ($):
Current Balance of Note ($):
Note Interest Rate (annual percentage):
Gross Payment Amount (before service fees):
Net Payment Amount (after service fees):
Payment Frequency:
Please select!
Date of 1st Payment Made:
Date of Next Payment Due:
Note Term (# of months):
Number of Payments Made:
Number of Payments Remaining:
Balloon Payment, if any ($):
Balloon Payment Due Date:
Describe Underlying Liens:
1st Lien Balance, if any ($):
Current Status of 1st Lien:
Please select!
Not Applicable
Payments are Current
Payments are Delinquent
Don't Know
2nd Lien Balance, if any ($):
Current Status of 2nd Lien:
Please select!
Not Applicable
Payments are Current
Payments are Delinquent
Don't Know
3rd Lien Balance, if any ($):
Current Status of 3rd Lien:
Please select!
Not Applicable
Payments are Current
Payments are Delinquent
Don't Know
Contact Information:
Contact Person's Name:
Contact Person's Phone Number:
Address of Real Estate Securing the Note:
City & State of Real Estate Securing the Note:
Full Name of Beneficiary on Note:
Address of Beneficiary:
City, State, and Zip of Beneficiary:
I am acting in the capacity of:
Please select!


Contact Person's Email Address:

Note: Your request can not be processed without your valid email address!

Caution !
When completed
click on "Submit"!

Press the "Submit" button only ONCE!
You'll receive a confirmation page within a few seconds.

Questions? Click here to send mail